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Cluedin articles

Which data types should be managed by a Master Data Management solution?


Tradition dictates that there certain types of data that should be handled by a Master Data Management (MDM) platform, and others that shouldn’t. However, the sheer diversity and complexity of data mean that these notions are being challenged, as organizations realize that in order to achieve a comprehensive and actionable view of any domain, they need the bigger picture.

Before we examine the types of data that an MDM solution is suitable for, we should first define the different data types:

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AI Readiness Checklist for Data Leaders and Practitioners


The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of technological innovation, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses to enhance efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. However, the journey to becoming AI-ready involves navigating a complex landscape of technical, organizational, and cultural challenges. The guide below and the subsequent checklist provide actionable advice for data leaders and practitioners on preparing their organizations to incorporate AI.

Technical Preparation:

Enhance Data Accessibility and Quality

  • Establish a robust data governance framework to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and security.
  • Implement data cleaning and preprocessing techniques to improve data quality.
  • Foster partnerships with data providers to access diverse and extensive datasets.

Upgrade Infrastructure and Computing Resources:

  •  Invest in scalable cloud computing services to handle large-scale AI computations.
  • Conduct regular technology audits to identify and address infrastructure gaps.
  • Explore high-performance computing solutions tailored to AI applications.

Boost Data Literacy Across the Organization

  • Assess current skill levels and identify gaps in data literacy.
  • Develop comprehensive training programs focusing on data analysis, interpretation, and AI applications.
  • Encourage continuous learning and upskilling in AI and data science.

Organizational Changes

Cultivate an AI-Ready Culture

  • Promote a culture of innovation and openness to new technologies.
  • Educate stakeholders on the benefits and potential of AI.
  • Encourage cross-departmental collaboration to integrate AI insights into various business processes.

Address Ethical and Legal Concerns

  • Develop ethical guidelines for AI usage, focusing on fairness, accountability, and transparency.
  • Stay informed about legal regulations related to AI and data privacy.
  • Implement compliance measures and regular audits to ensure ethical AI practices.

Strategic AI Implementation Planning

  • Develop a clear AI strategy aligned with business objectives.
  • Identify key areas where AI can add the most value.
  • Establish measurable goals and KPIs to track AI implementation success.

Cultural Adaptation

Overcome Resistance to Change

  • Communicate the vision and benefits of AI clearly to all levels of the organization.
  • Involve employees in the AI integration process and decision-making.
  • Recognize and address concerns and fears related to AI adoption.

Foster a Collaborative Environment

  • Encourage open communication and knowledge sharing about AI projects.
  • Create multidisciplinary teams to bring diverse perspectives to AI initiatives.
  • Celebrate successes and learn from setbacks in AI projects.


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Microsoft Ignite

Microsoft Fabric and Purview Integration announced at Microsoft Ignite


This week, the annual Microsoft Ignite conference is taking place in Seattle. One of the main announcements to come out of the show is the General Availability of Microsoft Fabric, and an expansion of its governance and security capabilities through a tighter integration with Microsoft Purview.

As the preferred Master Data Management partner for Microsoft Azure customers, CluedIn is already fully integrated with both Microsoft Fabric and Purview. In combination with Microsoft Purview, we offer a unified, scalable, and transparent way to manage and drive insights from data. For Microsoft Fabric customers, we take raw data and make it ready for analysis by any tool in the Fabric suite. We also do this 80% faster than any other Master Data Management Platform on the market.

Bringing Microsoft Fabric and Purview together is the next natural step in helping businesses manage their end-to-end data estate with ultimate security, assurance, and accessibility. Microsoft Fabric is redefining how teams work with data by bringing everyone together on a single, AI-powered platform built for the era of AI. With Purview and CluedIn providing the pipeline of high-quality, trusted data needed to fuel Fabric, a new data and analytics powerhouse has emerged.

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Why keeping MDM in the IT Domain is bad for business


The value that engineers bring to the data stack is undeniable. They play a crucial role in ensuring data is primed for insights. However, the immense value and necessity of involving Domain Experts in the data supply chain, not merely as consumers but as contributors, cannot be overstated.

IT and Engineering have distinct focuses within the data supply chain. Their work aligns with the overarching goal of preparing data for insights. Yet, there's a specific persona that is interested in enhancing the intrinsic value of the data itself. Consider the analogy of a Netflix movie director. While Netflix's ability to deliver content globally, start streaming in seconds, and function across devices is impressive, the content—the movie—remains the star. It requires directors, writers, and editors to refine the content to the point where it captivates the audience. Similarly, one might ask, who is the "director" for your customer data?

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The Most Common MDM Myths. Debunked.


During its 30-year history, many myths have arisen around Master Data Management (MDM), some of which may have been valid in the early days but are no longer true today. MDM has come a long way, and is experiencing something of a renaissance as progressive platforms take advantage of technical innovations like Graph databases and Generative AI, and offer increased commercial flexibility via the major CSPs.

Join us as we expose the eight most common MDM myths below, and discover how MDM has developed to become more accessible, manageable, and impactful.

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CluedIn AI Assistant - The Future of Master Data Management


The CluedIn AI Assistant has landed.

The world's first Azure OpenAI-powered AI Assistant for Master Data Management (MDM) was showcased  in a live session with Microsoft today. CluedIn CEO, Tim Ward, showcased its ability to solve several complex data challenges using natural language and chat box prompts.

This included impressive, lightning-fast analysis of large datasets, instant data streaming between teams, and creation of new business rules.


For thirty years, people needed to speak complex languages to work closely with data - Data Analysts used SQL, and Data Scientists used Python.

The CluedIn AI Assistant offers a revolutionary new way to manage data using natural languages we all speak. That shift will democratize data and fundamentally changes the way that data can be used to create value.

Tim Ward, CluedIn CEO

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Offensive vs Defensive Data Governance Strategies


Businesses are swimming in an ocean of information. This abundance of data is a double-edged sword – it can either drive innovation and growth or lead to chaos and inefficiency. To navigate this sea of data effectively, organizations need a comprehensive data governance strategy. Two prominent approaches in this regard are defensive data governance and offensive data governance.

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Key takeaways: The 2023 Gartner® Market Guide for Master Data Management Solutions


Recently, renowned analyst firm released its first event Market Guide for Master Data Management Solutions. It features solution overviews (like ours), must-have features (guess who has them all), rankings (spoiler alert: we're a pack leader), and Gartner's recommendations for data leaders considering a purchase.

Here’s our take on the key takeaways from this inaugural guide.

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