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Why don’t you have timely access to data?

Let’s admit it. You have all the technology in the world at your enterprise company, but the simple fact is that timely access to the data you want is not a reality. Why is this? You have a data warehouse, wasn’t that supposed to give you this? Yes! In the old world. The data warehouse was THE solution in the old world. We changed this world 10 years ago and it is only really starting to hurt companies now.

We need to break away from this idea that the Data Warehouse is your solution to this, but important to remember that it is an essential part of the solution. We also need to make sure that we don’t just rely on the Data Lake as the solution. Once again, it is part of the solution. We also need to make sure that we don’t make the Data Hub the solution (i.e. CluedIn) as it also is one part of the overall solution.


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