Data Compliance
Data Privacy is a fundamental factor of any single data project.
Data Privacy is not an after-thought.
It's just part of the Fabric.
Data Compliance and Data Privacy are required for any single data project you embark on. More often than not, even if you think you are working with non-sensitive data, there is always some sensitive data that is in there.
- Automated PII Detection for over 350 different elements.
- Automatic Data Masking
- Control over when your data is masked, anonymised, pseudonymised.
By 2021, organizations that have bought privacy risk and are caught lacking in protection will spend more than double the compliance costs of their prepared competition.
Data Sovereignty.
Keep your data, where you need it.
Setup Data Policies that allow you to control where data resides and how it flows in between different locations.
- CluedIn supports the Data Hub Architecture to host CluedIn across multiple countries.
- CluedIn can automatically scale into different infrastructure based off potentially complex rules.
- Support the infrastructure you need to support your country privacy regulations.
Cover your Data Regulation Needs
Full support for DSR's for GDPR, CCPA and more.
Don't slow down your data projects because you don't have a good handle on where your PII data is. CluedIn supports the full flow of Data Subject Access Requests, Right for Portablity, Deletion and more.
- Generate DSR reports in minutes.
- Export a Data Subject's Data in moments.
- Cover the full support by changing, deleting and anonymising data from any source system.
- Support for HIPAA, PCI DSS and more.
Consent Managment
Have control over the data you are supposed to have.
Our consent management system allows you to explicitly manage what data you have consent for and alert you of when this data is involved in business use cases.
- Manage what consent you need to capture for your data-fuelled use cases.
- Have full traceability over if you are running projects on data that you do not have consent for.
- Capture consent directly through the CluedIn API.
- Generate Breach Reports directly from the platform.
Data Retention is something that every business needs.
Unfortunately, most systems do not support setting retention periods. Not a worry, CluedIn can centrally manage retention periods and instruct systems when they need to archive or remove data.
- Set time to live on data within CluedIn and any streams coming out of CluedIn.
- Manage the process of removing data from any operational system directly from CluedIn.
- Data Retention reports will validate that you are sticking to your required retention policies.
Ready to become a data compliant business?
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Contact our team of experts today to discuss how CluedIn can help solve your toughest data challenges.
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